Register for an Improv Class
All students begin with Level 1 - Intro to Improv. Check the schedule below and get registered today.
Intro to Improv (Level 1)

In this class students will learn the fundamental tools necessary for improv. They will learn the benefits of working as an ensemble by building skills in collaboration, support, listening and saying yes to the possibilities of anything.
Class Dates
Building an Ensemble (Level 2)

This class continues where the intro class left off. Students work as a group to recognize patterns and learn games and openings and continued collaboration to build a showpiece.
Review our Class Policies and FAQs.
Class Dates
Advanced Scenework (Level 3)

Students learn what is necessary for maintaining a strong scene. They will develop skills that will help find inspiration in initiating scenes, second beats, edits, and three-person scenes.
Review our Class Policies and FAQs.
Class Dates
Improv for the Performer (Level 4)

This is an advanced class designed specifically for those that are currently on teams or are looking to form a team. In this class students will be evaluated on their performance tendencies. These evaluations will foster skills to build and cast to the specific needs of an ensemble.
Review our Class Policies and FAQs.
Class Dates